4 Ways to Reduce Maskne
Wearing masks is a new norm in our daily lives as we need to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic in order to protect ourselves and the people surrounding us, so this article is to share ways to reduce maskne. However, wearing a mask can also lead to problems. You might be wondering what problems could wearing mask actually give us? Aren’t they supposed to be beneficial to us? Well, don’t worry it is not as serious as you think. Wearing masks causes acne. You can actually feel the acne forming with the oil, sweat and saliva swishing around. It is how the new term: ‘maskne’ (mask-related acne) is being formed. Maskne is any form of skin problems on the face such as acne and irritation from wearing a mask or face shield. This is a common side effect of wearing a mask.

Masks help us to store our droplets such as emitted from breathing, talking, sneezing, or coughing which also potentially preventing these substances transmit into Covid-19 or other illnesses. Simultaneously, we trap all the substances inside and this causes acne to be able to thrive.

Maskne involves in various types of skin conditions. For instance, if your skin type is oily, wearing a mask may cause clogged pores. This is because our skin already has oil, bacteria and dead skin cells but when we wear a mask, these substances will be generating more and as a result, block our pores. Another possible cause is friction. Our skin surface become irritated from the material of a mask as the mask is rubbing against our skin. Some masks contain chemicals which is very unfriendly to our skin and also saliva, sweat and oils that can also cause to break out in acnes. It is necessary to know some ways to reduce maskne.
It is essential to keep wearing a face mask under this circumstance even though you have maskne. There are several ways to reduce maskne.
1. Choose the right mask
One of the ways to reduce maskne is we can try to avoid the use of non-breathable mask and consider about the type of mask that you wear. Dermatologists suggest that the best way to prevent maskne is to use 100% cotton face mask as it allows skin to breathability. A cotton mask is a good option for you to prevent maskne as it allows our skin to breathe and also protecting others around you. We can also reduce use of masks when unnecessary such as when not in public or when there is no one around us in order to prevent ourselves from maskne. Besides, you are encouraged to wear a face mask that fits snugly but not too tight, has two or more layers of fabric and is made of natural fabric such as cotton. You should avoid using face masks that made of nylon or rayon as these materials can cause maskne. For more information on the type of mask we have for you, click here.

2. Wash your face regularly
Moving on, the second way to reduce maskne is practicing regular skin care routine during the pandemic is also one of the preventions from getting maskne. This includes washing your face with lukewarm water and gentle cleanser once in the morning and once at night (before going to bed). Coming right up, make sure you wash your face after taking off your face mask for the day to keep your skin healthy. After washing your face, pat your skin dry with a clean face towel and avoid rubbing your skin as this action may cause irritation. Wish to know which face wash is suitable for you? Click here.

3. Take a break from make up
If it is necessary for you to wear makeup, avoid putting it in the areas that the mask is covering. Beauty products such as foundation, concealer and blusher can clog your pores which causes skin irritation. And make sure that you keep your face clean and moisturized to avoid breakouts on your face. Make up can also transfer to the inside of your mask (if you are using cloth mask) which can cause maskne or other skin problems if you did not wash it properly. Maskne could be more severe when there is makeup under the mask as it further irritates the skin. Therefore, taking a break from make up is one of the effective ways to reduce maskne.

4. Change your disposable masks every day
Last but not least, the last way to reduce maskne in this article is after wearing a disposable mask, throw it away. This is because there are many bacteria and other harmful substances left over on the mask so do consider having several masks on hand in case you need a new one. Reusing the face mask can cause maskne on your face as You can also remove your mask for 15 minutes every 4 hours which allows your skin to have a break. However, you are required to only remove your face mask when there is no one around you where you can practice social distancing. It is also essential to sanitize your hands before touching or taking off your mask. If you are using cloth mask, it is necessary to wash your mask daily to avoid maskne.

In a nutshell, maskne can be vary due to various skin conditions. Therefore, here are some ways to reduce maskne. Focusing on specific lifestyle routine such as a quality sleep, a healthy diet and a good stress management can make a difference on your skin too. Although maskne can be frustrating, it is essential for us to keep wearing face mask during the Covid-19 pandemic. This article contributes to skincare theory by providing some simple but effective ways to reduce maskne.