
Alpro Pharmacy’s Alpro Eats Programme Takes on National Malnutrition Challenges

Kuala Lumpur, 13 June 2024 – Alpro Pharmacy, Malaysia’s largest prescription pharmacy chain, is poised to tackle malnutrition challenges among children with its new Alpro Eats Programme. In addition to promoting healthier eating habits among children in Malaysia, targets to improve canteen menus in all schools beginning with Negeri Sembilan. Alpro Pharmacy launching Alpro EATS initiative, a […]

Alpro Pharmacy’s Alpro Eats Programme Takes on National Malnutrition Challenges Read More »

Alpro Pharmacy’s Alpro Eats Programme Takes on National Malnutrition Challenges

Kuala Lumpur, 13 June 2024 – Alpro Pharmacy, Malaysia’s largest prescription pharmacy chain, is poised to tackle malnutrition challenges among children with its new Alpro Eats Programme. In addition to promoting healthier eating habits among children in Malaysia, targets to improve canteen menus in all schools beginning with Negeri Sembilan. Alpro Pharmacy launching Alpro EATS initiative, a

Alpro Pharmacy’s Alpro Eats Programme Takes on National Malnutrition Challenges Read More »

Alpro tackles child malnutrition with Alpro Eats Programme

Alpro Pharmacy, Malaysia’s largest prescription pharmacy chain, is set to address child malnutrition through its innovative Alpro Eats Programme. Launched with the aim to improve children’s eating habits and school canteen menus, the programme starts with schools in Negeri Sembilan. Addressing malnutrition in Malaysian schools The National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS) 2022 revealed that 1 in

Alpro tackles child malnutrition with Alpro Eats Programme Read More »

Alpro Foundation Seeks to Support 60 More Tube Feeding Patients Extending Lifelines Through Sponsorship Programm

KUALA LUMPUR, 2 May 2024 – Alpro Foundation, the dedicated CSR arm of Alpro Pharmacy, invites tube-feeding patients or their family members to reach out and get support through sponsored nutritional support product. “Since we started this sponsorship programme in 2019, and we have now supported over 250 patients. Collectively, we have helped patients’ families

Alpro Foundation Seeks to Support 60 More Tube Feeding Patients Extending Lifelines Through Sponsorship Programm Read More »

The Consumers’ Association of Penang (CAP) has urged the government to revoke the 24-hour operating licences granted to eateries to restrict Malaysians’ access to late-night meals

The Consumers’ Association of Penang (CAP) has urged the government to revoke the 24-hour operating licences granted to eateries to restrict Malaysians’ access to late-night meals In a statement on Monday, 22 April, CAP president Mohideen Abdul Kader said the move could help reduce the negative effects of late-night eating among Malaysians, who have the highest rate of

The Consumers’ Association of Penang (CAP) has urged the government to revoke the 24-hour operating licences granted to eateries to restrict Malaysians’ access to late-night meals Read More »

Tolong kami! Bantu pesakit tiub pemakanan! Yayasan Alpro hendak taja produk sokongan pemakanan!

Yayasan Alpro (Alpro Foundation), program CSR khusus daripada Farmasi Alpro, menjemput pesakit tiub pemakanan atau ahli keluarga mereka untuk mendekati dan mendapatkan sokongan melalui produk sokongan pemakanan yang ditaja. “Sejak kami memulakan program penajaan ini pada 2019, dan kini kami telah menyokong lebih 250 pesakit.  “Secara keseluruhan, kami telah membantu keluarga pesakit menjimatkan kira-kira RM6.13

Tolong kami! Bantu pesakit tiub pemakanan! Yayasan Alpro hendak taja produk sokongan pemakanan! Read More »

Alpro Foundation eases financial burden for tube feeding patients

Alpro Foundation’s Metabolic Basic Sponsorship aids tube feeding patients, offering crucial financial relief, easing the burden of nutritional costs. The financial strain on families with tube-fed patients is a pressing concern, with monthly costs ranging from RM2,500 to RM3,000. Nutritional support alone can amount to RM1,000 to RM1,600, making it challenging for lower-income families. Some

Alpro Foundation eases financial burden for tube feeding patients Read More »

搶攻檢測商機 大江基因攜大馬連鎖藥局龍頭4月上市

大江基因與馬來西亞連鎖藥局龍頭Alpro Pharmacy簽署MOU。圖/業者提供 瞄準精準醫療浪潮,大江基因(6879)18日宣布,與馬國連鎖藥局龍頭Alpro Pharmacy達成戰略合作,將攜手推出大江基因的基因檢測服務「MyDNA360」,4月並已正式在馬來西亞銷售。 大江基因總經理傅珍珍表示,該合作案是由大江基因授權Alpro Pharmacy獨家代理於馬來西亞連鎖藥局通路販售,該基因檢測服務在馬來西亞稱為MyDNA360。雙方的強強聯手,除能增進台灣精準醫學國際能見度,促成國際雙邊及多邊交流外,也能為全球預防醫學通路開啟全新的利基。 Alpro Pharmacy在馬來西亞分店達300家以上,同時也經營診所與物理治療中心,重視大馬高齡化醫療照護,近年更積極投入預防醫學領域。 傅珍珍表示,大江基因布局精準預防服務,策略布局首要聚焦東南亞,截至2023年馬國總人口達3,340萬人,是該公司正式展開國際基因檢測服務的第一站,將成為全亞洲與通路合作典範。 大江基因的「基因檢測」採全球疾病風險最高的基因偵測點,結合基因醫學與系統生物學進行全方位AI大數據運算,也有導入全球基因資料庫,涵蓋10大項健康系統、58項健康風險、遺傳性高風險基因檢測風險。 阅读原文:工商时报

搶攻檢測商機 大江基因攜大馬連鎖藥局龍頭4月上市 Read More »

搶攻檢測商機 大江基因攜大馬連鎖藥局龍頭4月上市

大江基因與馬來西亞連鎖藥局龍頭Alpro Pharmacy簽署MOU。圖/業者提供 瞄準精準醫療浪潮,大江基因(6879)18日宣布,與馬國連鎖藥局龍頭Alpro Pharmacy達成戰略合作,將攜手推出大江基因的基因檢測服務「MyDNA360」,4月並已正式在馬來西亞銷售。 大江基因總經理傅珍珍表示,該合作案是由大江基因授權Alpro Pharmacy獨家代理於馬來西亞連鎖藥局通路販售,該基因檢測服務在馬來西亞稱為MyDNA360。雙方的強強聯手,除能增進台灣精準醫學國際能見度,促成國際雙邊及多邊交流外,也能為全球預防醫學通路開啟全新的利基。 Alpro Pharmacy在馬來西亞分店達300家以上,同時也經營診所與物理治療中心,重視大馬高齡化醫療照護,近年更積極投入預防醫學領域。 傅珍珍表示,大江基因布局精準預防服務,策略布局首要聚焦東南亞,截至2023年馬國總人口達3,340萬人,是該公司正式展開國際基因檢測服務的第一站,將成為全亞洲與通路合作典範。 大江基因的「基因檢測」採全球疾病風險最高的基因偵測點,結合基因醫學與系統生物學進行全方位AI大數據運算,也有導入全球基因資料庫,涵蓋10大項健康系統、58項健康風險、遺傳性高風險基因檢測風險。 阅读原文:yahoo!新闻

搶攻檢測商機 大江基因攜大馬連鎖藥局龍頭4月上市 Read More »

大江基因與大馬連鎖藥局龍頭合作 產品賣進馬來西亞

大江基因(6879)宣布與馬來西亞知名連鎖藥局龍頭Alpro Pharmacy達成戰略合作,由大江基因授權Alpro Pharmacy獨家代理於馬來西亞連鎖藥局通路販售,大江基因的基因檢測服務在馬來西亞稱為MyDNA360,4月已正式於馬來西亞市場推出,搶攻海外預防醫學服務市場。 大江基因總經理傅珍珍表示,將攜手Alpro Pharmacy搶攻大馬預防醫學以及個人化健康管理服務,除能增進台灣精準醫學國際能見度,促成國際雙邊及多邊交流,更有機會為全球預防醫學通路開啟全新的可能性。 連鎖藥局Alpro Pharmacy於全馬來西亞分店達300家以上,同時也經營診所與物理治療中心,重視大馬高齡化醫療照護,且長期致力促進大馬人民預防醫學。大江基因以提供完整的基因檢測服務為優勢,同時以個人化基因檢測提供輔助產品及服務,往精準個人化醫療邁進,受到Alpro Pharmacy青睞,並首度達成合作協議簽署,為進攻東南亞市場重要里程碑。 大江基因瞄準東南亞市場,公司表示,截至2023年馬國總人口達3,340萬人,精準醫療服務前景看好,作為大江基因正式展開國際基因檢測服務的第一站,是布局全球的試金石,並作為大江基因未來在全亞洲與通路合作的典範。 大江基因的「基因檢測」採全球疾病風險最高的基因偵測點,結合基因醫學與系統生物學進行全方位AI大數據運算,也有導入全球基因資料庫,涵蓋10大項健康系統、58項健康風險、遺傳性高風險基因檢測風險。除提供個人基因所面臨的健康風險預測並提供提前預防建議之外,並量身訂做專屬的保健對策。 新聞來源:money.udn.com   阅读原文:丰云学堂

大江基因與大馬連鎖藥局龍頭合作 產品賣進馬來西亞 Read More »

大江基因授權大馬連鎖藥局龍頭 代理基因檢測服務

图片来源:大江基因 緊跟精準醫療浪潮,大江基因(6879)宣布與馬來西亞知名連鎖藥局龍頭Alpro Pharmacy達成戰略合作,由大江基因授權Alpro Pharmacy獨家代理於馬來西亞連鎖藥局通路販售,大江基因的基因檢測服務在馬來西亞稱為MyDNA360,2024年4月已正式於馬來西亞市場推出,為消費者提供更高品質及精準的預防醫學服務。   知名連鎖藥局Alpro Pharmacy於全馬來西亞分店達300家以上,同時也經營診所與物理治療中心,重視大馬高齡化醫療照護,且長期致力促進大馬人民預防醫學。大江基因自2011年來,致力提供完整的基因檢測服務,同時以個人化基因檢測提供輔助產品及服務,往精準個人化醫療邁進,能受到Alpro Pharmacy青睞,並首度達成合作協議簽署,為進攻東南亞市場重要里程碑。 大江基因致力實現個人化的精準預防服務,策略布局首要聚焦東南亞,截至2023年馬國總人口達3,340萬人,作為大江基因正式展開國際基因檢測服務的第一站,賦能大江基因放眼全球生意,並作為大江基因未來在全亞洲與通路合作典範,精準醫療服務前景看好。   大江基因總經理傅珍珍表示,大江基因攜手大馬知名連鎖藥局Alpro Pharmacy,達成戰略合作MOU簽署,強強聯手搶攻大馬預防醫學以及個人化健康管理服務,除能增進台灣精準醫學國際能見度,促成國際雙邊及多邊交流,更有機會為全球預防醫學通路開啟全新的可能性,為人類健康福祉共盡心力也有望帶動大江基因營運動能。   大江基因的「基因檢測」採全球疾病風險最高的基因偵測點,結合基因醫學與系統生物學進行全方位AI大數據運算,也有導入全球基因資料庫,涵蓋10大項健康系統、58項健康風險、遺傳性高風險基因檢測風險。大江基因表示,除提供個人基因所面臨的健康風險預測並提供提前預防建議外,更實現個人化的精準預防,量身訂做專屬的保健對策,旨在為大眾帶來更健康的生活,超前部署贏過歲月。 阅读原文:MoneyDJ理财网新闻

大江基因授權大馬連鎖藥局龍頭 代理基因檢測服務 Read More »

大江基因打進馬國藥局龍頭 推基因檢測服務

瞄準精準醫療浪潮,大江基因(6879)18日宣布,與馬國連鎖藥局龍頭Alpro Pharmacy達成戰略合作,將攜手推出大江基因的基因檢測服務「MyDNA360」,4月並已正式在馬來西亞銷售。 大江基因總經理傅珍珍表示,該合作案是由大江基因授權Alpro Pharmacy獨家代理於馬來西亞連鎖藥局通路販售,該基因檢測服務在馬來西亞稱為MyDNA360。雙方的強強聯手,除能增進台灣精準醫學國際能見度,也能為全球預防醫學通路開啟全新的利基。 Alpro Pharmacy在馬來西亞分店達300家以上,同時也經營診所與物理治療中心,近年更積極投入預防醫學領域。 傅珍珍表示,大江基因布局精準預防服務,策略布局首要聚焦東南亞,馬來西亞是該公司正式展開國際基因檢測服務的第一站,將成為全亞洲與通路合作典範。 大江基因的「基因檢測」採全球疾病風險最高的基因偵測點,結合基因醫學與系統生物學進行全方位AI大數據運算,也有導入全球基因資料庫,涵蓋10大項健康系統、58項健康風險、遺傳性高風險基因檢測風險。 阅读原文:工商时报

大江基因打進馬國藥局龍頭 推基因檢測服務 Read More »

大江基因揪伴 征戰馬國

大江基因(6879)昨(18)日宣布,與馬來西亞連鎖藥局龍頭Alpro Pharmacy達成戰略合作,將大江基因的基因檢測產品授權給Alpro Pharmacy獨家代理,並在馬來西亞通路販售,這項服務4月起於馬來西亞市場推出,為消費者提供精準的預防醫學服務。 大江基因表示,Alpro Pharmacy是馬來西亞最大連鎖藥局,通路達300家以上,也經營診所與物理治療中心;簽署合作協議是公司進攻東南亞市場重要里程碑。 大江基因與Alpro Pharmacy合作後,現階段在馬來西亞的藥局、診所及復健中心都可得知相關基因檢測服務的訊息,通路端會引導消費者至馬來西亞的mydna360官網。 阅读原文:IEK产业情报网

大江基因揪伴 征戰馬國 Read More »

大江基因揪伴 征戰馬國

大江基因(6879)昨(18)日宣布,與馬來西亞連鎖藥局龍頭Alpro Pharmacy達成戰略合作,將大江基因的基因檢測產品授權給Alpro Pharmacy獨家代理,並在馬來西亞通路販售,這項服務4月起於馬來西亞市場推出,為消費者提供精準的預防醫學服務。   大江基因表示,Alpro Pharmacy是馬來西亞最大連鎖藥局,通路達300家以上,也經營診所與物理治療中心;簽署合作協議是公司進攻東南亞市場重要里程碑。   大江基因與Alpro Pharmacy合作後,現階段在馬來西亞的藥局、診所及復健中心都可得知相關基因檢測服務的訊息,通路端會引導消費者至馬來西亞的mydna360官網。 阅读原文:经济日报

大江基因揪伴 征戰馬國 Read More »

大江基因授權大馬連鎖藥局龍頭 基因檢測進軍馬國市場

興櫃股大江基因(6879)18日宣布,與馬來西亞連鎖藥局龍頭Alpro Pharmacy達成戰略合作,將大江基因的基因檢測產品,授權給Alpro Pharmacy獨家代理,並在馬來西亞通路販售,這項服務已自4月起正式於馬來西亞市場推出,為消費者提供更高品質及精準的預防醫學服務。   大江基因表示,Alpro Pharmacy是馬來西亞最大的連鎖藥局,連鎖通路達300家以上,同時也經營診所與物理治療中心。大江基因這次首度與Alpro Pharmacy簽署合作協議,為進攻東南亞市場重要里程碑。馬來西亞人口截至2023年達3,340萬人,將可作為大江基因推廣國際基因檢測服務的第一站。   大江基因與Alpro Pharmacy合作後,現階段將在馬來西亞的藥局、診所及復健中心都可以得知相關基因檢測服務的訊息,通路端會引導消費者至馬來西亞的mydna360官網,待消費者取得採檢包就可以在家自行採檢。     大江基因總經理傅珍珍表示,大江基因攜手Alpro Pharmacy,代表雙方強強聯手搶攻大馬預防醫學以及個人化健康管理服務,除能增進台灣精準醫學國際能見度,促成國際雙邊及多邊交流,更有機會為全球預防醫學通路開啟全新的可能性,為人類健康福祉共盡心力也有望帶動大江基因營運動能。     大江基因的「基因檢測」目前已在國內醫療院所推廣,採全球疾病風險最高的基因偵測點,結合基因醫學與系統生物學進行全方位AI大數據運算,也導入全球基因資料庫,涵蓋10大項健康系統、58項健康風險、遺傳性高風險基因檢測風險。     大江基因除提供個人基因所面臨的健康風險預測並提供提前預防建議之外,更實現個人化的精準預防,量身訂做專屬的保健對策,旨在為大眾帶來更健康的生活,超前部署贏過歲月。 阅读原文:联合新闻网

大江基因授權大馬連鎖藥局龍頭 基因檢測進軍馬國市場 Read More »


首圖來源:大江基因 大江基因今日宣布與馬來西亞連鎖藥局龍頭 Alpro Pharmacy 合作,由大江基因授權基因檢測服務「MyDNA360」,由 Alpro Pharmacy 獨家代理到馬來西亞連鎖藥局通路販售,開拓國際預防醫學市場。 馬來西亞連鎖藥局龍頭 Alpro Pharmacy 在當地擁有 300 家以上分店,並經營診所與物理治療中心,重視大馬高齡化醫療照護,長期致力促進大馬人民預防醫學,而大江基因自 2011 年來,致力提供完整的基因檢測服務,為進攻東南亞市場重要里程碑。 大江基因致力實現個人化的精準預防服務,策略布局首要聚焦東南亞,截至 2023 年馬國總人口達 3,340 萬人,作為大江基因正式展開國際基因檢測服務的第一站,並作為大江基因未來在全亞洲與通路合作的典範。 大江基因總經理傅珍珍表示,大江基因攜手大馬知名連鎖藥局 Alpro Pharmacy 合作,強強聯手搶攻大馬預防醫學,以及個人化健康管理服務,期望能增進台灣精準醫學國際能見度,促成國際雙邊及多邊交流,更有機會為全球預防醫學通路開啟全新的可能性。 大江基因的「基因檢測」採全球疾病風險最高的基因偵測點,結合基因醫學與系統生物學進行全方位 AI 大數據運算,並導入全球基因資料庫,涵蓋十大項健康系統、58 項健康風險、遺傳性高風險基因檢測風險。   阅读原文:财经新报

開拓國際預防醫學市場!大江授權馬國連鎖藥局龍頭代理「基因檢測」 Read More »

TCI Gene Tingkatkan Penjagaan Kesihatan Pencegahan Malaysia Dengan Kerjasama ALPRO Pharmacy

TAIPEI, 28 Mac 2024 /PRNewswire/ — TCI Gene mengumumkan perkongsian strategik bersama Alpro Pharmacy, peneraju farmasi rangkaian terkenal di Malaysia untuk menawarkan perkhidmatan penilaian genetiknya secara eksklusif kepada rakyat Malaysia. TCI Gene dan Alpro Pharmacy bermatlamat untuk menyediakan kepada rakyat Malaysia dengan perkhidmatan penjagaan kesihatan pencegahan melalui inisiatif ini, melengkapkan objektif Alpro Pharmacy untuk penjagaan kesihatan yang komprehensif. Perkhidmatan ini, dikenali sebagai

TCI Gene Tingkatkan Penjagaan Kesihatan Pencegahan Malaysia Dengan Kerjasama ALPRO Pharmacy Read More »

TCI Gene Tingkatkan Penjagaan Kesihatan Pencegahan Malaysia Dengan Kerjasama ALPRO Pharmacy

TAIPEI, 28 Mac 2024 /PRNewswire/ — TCI Gene mengumumkan perkongsian strategik bersama Alpro Pharmacy, peneraju farmasi rangkaian terkenal di Malaysia untuk menawarkan perkhidmatan penilaian genetiknya secara eksklusif kepada rakyat Malaysia. TCI Gene dan Alpro Pharmacy bermatlamat untuk menyediakan kepada rakyat Malaysia dengan perkhidmatan penjagaan kesihatan pencegahan melalui inisiatif ini, melengkapkan objektif Alpro Pharmacy untuk penjagaan kesihatan yang komprehensif. Perkhidmatan ini, dikenali sebagai

TCI Gene Tingkatkan Penjagaan Kesihatan Pencegahan Malaysia Dengan Kerjasama ALPRO Pharmacy Read More »

TCI Gene Enhancing Malaysia’s Preventive Healthcare In Collaboration With ALPRO Pharmacy

TAIPEI, March 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — TCI Gene announced a strategic partnership with Alpro Pharmacy, a renowned chain pharmacy leader in Malaysia, to exclusively offer its genetic assessment services to Malaysians. TCI Gene and Alpro Pharmacy aims to provide Malaysians with better preventive healthcare via this initiative, complementing Alpro Pharmacy’s objective of comprehensive healthcare. The service, called MyDNA360

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TCI Gene Enhancing Malaysia’s Preventive Healthcare In Collaboration With ALPRO Pharmacy

TAIPEI, March 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — TCI Gene announced a strategic partnership with Alpro Pharmacy, a renowned chain pharmacy leader in Malaysia, to exclusively offer its genetic assessment services to Malaysians. TCI Gene and Alpro Pharmacy aims to provide Malaysians with better preventive healthcare via this initiative, complementing Alpro Pharmacy’s objective of comprehensive healthcare. The

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TCI Gene Enhancing Malaysia’s Preventive Healthcare In Collaboration With ALPRO Pharmacy

TAIPEI, March 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — TCI Gene announced a strategic partnership with Alpro Pharmacy, a renowned chain pharmacy leader in Malaysia, to exclusively offer its genetic assessment services to Malaysians. TCI Gene and Alpro Pharmacy aims to provide Malaysians with better preventive healthcare via this initiative, complementing Alpro Pharmacy’s objective of comprehensive healthcare. The service, called MyDNA360

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TCI Gene Enhancing Malaysia’s Preventive Healthcare In Collaboration With ALPRO Pharmacy

TAIPEI, March 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — TCI Gene announced a strategic partnership with Alpro Pharmacy, a renowned chain pharmacy leader in Malaysia, to exclusively offer its genetic assessment services to Malaysians. TCI Gene and Alpro Pharmacy aims to provide Malaysians with better preventive healthcare via this initiative, complementing Alpro Pharmacy’s objective of comprehensive healthcare. The service, called MyDNA360

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TCI Gene Enhancing Malaysia’s Preventive Healthcare In Collaboration With ALPRO Pharmacy

TAIPEI, March 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — TCI Gene announced a strategic partnership with Alpro Pharmacy, a renowned chain pharmacy leader in Malaysia, to exclusively offer its genetic assessment services to Malaysians. TCI Gene and Alpro Pharmacy aims to provide Malaysians with better preventive healthcare via this initiative, complementing Alpro Pharmacy’s objective of comprehensive healthcare. The

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Alpro Foundation eases financial burden for tube feeding patients

Alpro Foundation’s Metabolic Basic Sponsorship aids tube feeding patients, offering crucial financial relief, easing the burden of nutritional costs. The financial strain on families with tube-fed patients is a pressing concern, with monthly costs ranging from RM2,500 to RM3,000. Nutritional support alone can amount to RM1,000 to RM1,600, making it challenging for lower-income families. Some

Alpro Foundation eases financial burden for tube feeding patients Read More »

Alpro Group collaborates with Panasonic to reduce airborne threats

From left: Alpro Pharmacy procurement director Wong Wen Jun, Alpro Pharmacy chief pharmacist Lim En Ni, Panasonic Malaysia country head of life solutions Atsushi Yoshida and Panasonic Malaysia general manager of sales promotion life solutions Terence Leong. PETALING JAYA: Alpro Group has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Panasonic Malaysia to enhance the air

Alpro Group collaborates with Panasonic to reduce airborne threats Read More »

Alpro Pharmacy Rolls Out Nationwide Free Wheelchair Maintenance in Honor of International Wheelchair Day

Alpro Pharmacy announces a nationwide initiative offering free wheelchair maintenance services to celebrate International Wheelchair Day. Learn about the impact of this gesture on accessibility and independence. In a move that underscores the importance of accessibility and independence for individuals with mobility impairments, Alpro Pharmacy has announced a nationwide initiative to offer free wheelchair maintenance

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Alpro Pharmacy Rolls Out Nationwide Free Wheelchair Maintenance in Honor of International Wheelchair Day

Alpro Pharmacy announces a nationwide initiative offering free wheelchair maintenance services to celebrate International Wheelchair Day. Learn about the impact of this gesture on accessibility and independence. In a move that underscores the importance of accessibility and independence for individuals with mobility impairments, Alpro Pharmacy has announced a nationwide initiative to offer free wheelchair maintenance

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This Pharmacy Chain Is Offering Free Wheelchair Servicing On 1 & 2 March

In conjunction with International Wheelchair Day, Alpro Pharmacy is offering free wheelchair maintenance at 101 outlets nationwide on 1 and 2 March According to the pharmacy chain, the initiative is to recognise the vital role wheelchairs play in providing individuals with mobility impairments the ability to navigate the world independently.  The free wheelchair service will

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CVSKL and Alpro Group Unite to Launch “Synergistic Hearts” Campaign for Enhanced Cardiovascular Care

Cardiac Vascular Sentral Kuala Lumpur (CVSKL) and Alpro Group proudly announces the initiation of the “Synergistic Hearts” campaign. This collaborative effort seeks to elevate cardiovascular health within the community, with a specific emphasis on addressing irregular heart rhythms, commonly known as arrhythmia. Main image: (L-R) Tan Eng Ghee (CEO of CVSKL) and Low Swee Siong

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CVSKL and Alpro Group Launch “Synergistic Hearts” Campaign for Enhanced Cardiovascular Care

(L) Tan Eng Ghee (CEO of CVSKL) and Low Swee Siong (CEO of Alpro Pharmacy) officiating the collaboration. Kuala Lumpur, 14 February 2024 – Cardiac Vascular Sentral Kuala Lumpur (CVSKL) and Alpro Group proudly announces the initiation of the “Synergistic Hearts” campaign. This collaborative effort seeks to elevate cardiovascular health within the community, with a

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CVSKL and Alpro Group Unite to Launch “Synergistic Hearts” Campaign for Enhanced Cardiovascular Care

Kuala Lumpur, 14 February 2024 – Cardiac Vascular Sentral Kuala Lumpur (CVSKL) and Alpro Group proudly announces the initiation of the “Synergistic Hearts” campaign. This collaborative effort seeks to elevate cardiovascular health within the community, with a specific emphasis on addressing irregular heart rhythms, commonly known as arrhythmia. (L-R) Tan Eng Ghee (CEO of CVSKL)

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CVSKL and Alpro Group Unite to Launch “Synergistic Hearts” Campaign for Enhanced Cardiovascular Care

(L-R) Tan Eng Ghee (CEO of CVSKL) and Low Swee Siong (CEO of Alpro Pharmacy) officiating the collaboration. Kuala Lumpur, 14 February 2024 – Cardiac Vascular Sentral Kuala Lumpur (CVSKL) and Alpro Group proudly announces the initiation of the “Synergistic Hearts” campaign. This collaborative effort seeks to elevate cardiovascular health within the community, with a

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CVSKL and Alpro Group Unite to Launch “Synergistic Hearts” Campaign for Enhanced Cardiovascular Care

A momentous occasion marking a strategic alliance between leading healthcare providers that are committed to a healthier, heart-conscious community, bringing cardiovascular services closer to the community. Kuala Lumpur, 14 February 2024 – Cardiac Vascular Sentral Kuala Lumpur (CVSKL) and Alpro Group proudly announces the initiation of the “Synergistic Hearts” campaign. This collaborative effort seeks to

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CVSKL and Alpro Group unite to launch ‘Synergistic Hearts’ campaign for enhanced cardiovascular care

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 14 — Cardiac Vascular Sentral Kuala Lumpur (CVSKL) and Alpro Group proudly announces the initiation of the “Synergistic Hearts” campaign. This collaborative effort seeks to elevate cardiovascular health within the community, with a specific emphasis on addressing irregular heart rhythms, commonly known as arrhythmia. Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a type of irregular

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CVSKL and Alpro Group unite to launch ‘Synergistic Hearts’ campaign for enhanced cardiovascular care – eNews Malaysia

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 14 — Cardiac Vascular Sentral Kuala Lumpur (CVSKL) and Alpro Group proudly publicizes the initiation of the “Synergistic Hearts” campaign. This collaborative effort seeks to elevate cardiovascular well being throughout the neighborhood, with a particular emphasis on addressing irregular coronary heart rhythms, generally often called arrhythmia. Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a kind

CVSKL and Alpro Group unite to launch ‘Synergistic Hearts’ campaign for enhanced cardiovascular care – eNews Malaysia Read More »

CVSKL and Alpro Group Unite to Launch “Synergistic Hearts” Campaign for Enhanced Cardiovascular Care

Kuala Lumpur, 14 February 2024 – Cardiac Vascular Sentral Kuala Lumpur (CVSKL) and Alpro Group proudly announces the initiation of the “Synergistic Hearts” campaign. This collaborative effort seeks to elevate cardiovascular health within the community, with a specific emphasis on addressing irregular heart rhythms, commonly known as arrhythmia. Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a type of

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CVSKL and Alpro Group launch “Synergistic Hearts” campaign

CVSKL and Alpro Group launch “Synergistic Hearts” to elevate cardiovascular health. Free ECG tests, expert advice, and 10% discounts for Alpro members. Cardiac Vascular Sentral Kuala Lumpur (CVSKL) and Alpro Group proudly announces the initiation of the “Synergistic Hearts” campaign. This collaborative effort seeks to elevate cardiovascular health within the community, with a specific emphasis

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CVSKL and Alpro Group launch “Synergistic Hearts” campaign

CVSKL and Alpro Group launch “Synergistic Hearts” to elevate cardiovascular health. Free ECG tests, expert advice, and 10% discounts for Alpro members. Cardiac Vascular Sentral Kuala Lumpur (CVSKL) and Alpro Group proudly announces the initiation of the “Synergistic Hearts” campaign. This collaborative effort seeks to elevate cardiovascular health within the community, with a specific emphasis

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CVSKL and Alpro Group Unite to Launch “Synergistic Hearts” Campaign for Enhanced Cardiovascular Care

Cardiac Vascular Sentral Kuala Lumpur (CVSKL) and Alpro Group proudly announces the initiation of the “Synergistic Hearts” campaign. This collaborative effort seeks to elevate cardiovascular health within the community, with a specific emphasis on addressing irregular heart rhythms, commonly known as arrhythmia. Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a type of irregular heart rhythm condition that affects

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CVSKL and Alpro Group unite to launch ‘Synergistic Hearts’ campaign for enhanced cardiovascular care

(From left) CVSKL chief executive Tan Eng Ghee and Alpro Pharmacy CEO Low Swee Siong officiate the collaboration. — Picture courtesy of CVSKL. KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 14 — Cardiac Vascular Sentral Kuala Lumpur (CVSKL) and Alpro Group proudly announces the initiation of the “Synergistic Hearts” campaign. This collaborative effort seeks to elevate cardiovascular health within

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CVSKL and Alpro Group unite to launch ‘Synergistic Hearts’ campaign for enhanced cardiovascular care

Cardiac Vascular Sentral Kuala Lumpur (CVSKL) and Alpro Group proudly announces the initiation of the “Synergistic Hearts” campaign. This collaborative effort seeks to elevate cardiovascular health within the community, with a specific emphasis on addressing irregular heart rhythms, commonly known as arrhythmia. Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a type of irregular heart rhythm condition that affects

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CVSKL and Alpro Group Unite to Launch “Synergistic Hearts” Campaign for Enhanced Cardiovascular Care

Cardiac Vascular Sentral Kuala Lumpur (CVSKL) and Alpro Group proudly announces the initiation of the “Synergistic Hearts” campaign. This collaborative effort seeks to elevate cardiovascular health within the community, with a specific emphasis on addressing irregular heart rhythms, commonly known as arrhythmia. Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a type of irregular heart rhythm condition that affects

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Alpro Group Launch ‘Synergistic Hearts’ Campaign For Enhanced Care

Cardiac Vascular Sentral Kuala Lumpur (CVSKL) and Alpro Group proudly announces the initiation of the “Synergistic Hearts” campaign. This collaborative effort seeks to elevate cardiovascular health within the community, with a specific emphasis on addressing irregular heart rhythms, commonly known as arrhythmia. Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a type of irregular heart rhythm condition that affects

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Alpro Group and Panasonic Collaborate to Reduce Airborne Threats like COVID-19

In view of the recent resurgence of COVID-19 cases, and workplaces[1], particularly those in enclosed settings, pose a heightened risk of viral infections through air transmission, Alpro Group, the holding company of Malaysia’s largest prescription pharmacy chain – Alpro Pharmacy, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for a strategic partnership with Panasonic Malaysia, a

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Alpro Group and Panasonic Collaborate to Reduce Airborne Threats like COVID-19

In view of the recent resurgence of COVID-19 cases, and workplaces[1], particularly those in enclosed settings, pose a heightened risk of viral infections through air transmission, Alpro Group, the holding company of Malaysia’s largest prescription pharmacy chain – Alpro Pharmacy, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for a strategic partnership with Panasonic Malaysia, a

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Alpro Group And Panasonic Collaborate To Reduce Airborne Threat

Enhanced Ventilation and Clean Air Flow across over 300 Alpro outlets nationwide In view of the recent resurgence of COVID-19 cases, and workplaces[1], particularly those in enclosed settings, pose a heightened risk of viral infections through air transmission, Alpro Group, the holding company of Malaysia’s largest prescription pharmacy chain – Alpro Pharmacy, has signed a

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Alpro & Panasonic Team Up For Clean Air And Community Care

Leading prescription pharmacy chain, Alpro Pharmacy, collaborates with  Panasonic Malaysia to deploy nanoe™X technology  air purification system across outlets. In response to the recent surge in COVID-19 cases and recognizing the heightened risk of viral infections in enclosed workplaces, Alpro Group has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Panasonic Malaysia. The strategic partnership

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Alpro partners with Panasonic Malaysia To Elevate Air Quality

As COVID-19 cases resurge, Alpro Group, the holding company of Malaysia’s largest prescription pharmacy chain – Alpro Pharmacy, joined forces with Panasonic Malaysia to enhance air quality in all outlets and its headquarters. Through a Memorandum of Understanding, Alpro aimed to prioritise the safety of its patrons and employees by implementing Panasonic’s nanoeTMX technology air

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Alpro Pharmacy branding, promotion and trade marketing director and e-commerce lead Lee Yin-Chen (front row standing, middle) with representatives of the 85 healthcare brands that won the Alpro VIP’s Choice Award. Alpro Pharmacy unveils 85 winners of its Alpro VIP’s Choice Award as voted by the public MALAYSIA’s largest prescription pharmacy chain Alpro Pharmacy has


3 daripada 4 lelaki hadapi masalah ereksi? Rundingan Dalam Talian Kesihatan Lelaki Alpro dilancar!

Lanjutan kebimbangan berkenaan kesejahteraan lelaki, Farmasi Alpro telah menjalankan kajian berkenaan cabaran dan pandangan terhadap kesihatan lelaki secara menyeluruh.  Kesejahteraan seksual dikenal pasti sebagai salah satu komponen penting, dengan 78.6% daripada 345 responden menghadapi kesulitan dalam mengekalkan ereksi dalam hubungan seksual mereka.  Penemuan ini membuktikan peranan penting kesihatan seksual, selain kesejahteraan fizikal dan mental untuk

3 daripada 4 lelaki hadapi masalah ereksi? Rundingan Dalam Talian Kesihatan Lelaki Alpro dilancar! Read More »

Alpro Group Offers Free Health Screening With ‘Occu-AI’

Alpro Group, the holding company of Malaysia’s prescription pharmacy chain – Alpro Pharmacy, has forged a strategic partnership with Airdoc Technology (HK), a leading AI company in healthcare, and Ethos Healthcare, a dedicated integrated healthcare and distribution service provider in Malaysia. Together, they are offering free preliminary health screening via Occu-AI, a transformative technology utilising

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Alpro Group offers Free Health Screening with ‘Occu-AI’

Collaboration with Airdoc Technology and Ethos Healthcare to fight Chronic Health Crisis In the global challenge of a shortage of experienced healthcare staff, Malaysia is grappling with a surge in deadly chronic diseases, which are often undetectable in early stages. As such, Alpro Group, the holding company of Malaysia’s largest prescription pharmacy chain – Alpro Pharmacy, has

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Alpro Sugi’s CEO on the new era of Japanese- style pharmacies in Malaysia

After announcing their joint venture in July, Alpro Group, the pioneering force behind Malaysia’s largest prescription pharmacy chain, Alpro Pharmacy, and Sugi Holdings, a renowned Japanese pharmacy chain boasting 1,600 stores in Japan, have officially unveiled the first Alpro Sugi Pharmacy in Malaysia. Located at The Starling Mall, a contemporary shopping centre in Petaling Jaya,

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Alpro Pharmacy and MSD Malaysia Partner to Broaden the Access of Oncology Care

Alpro Pharmacy, Malaysia largest prescription pharmacy chain, and Merck, Sharp & Dohme (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. (MSD Malaysia), a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc., a global healthcare leader, have joined forces to increase cancer awareness and accessibility of Oncology treatment through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The initiative focuses on expanding access to oncology medications,

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Alpro Pharmacy and MSD Malaysia collaborate to enhance cancer care

Alpro Pharmacy and MSD Malaysia unite to enhance cancer care with ONCOHelp, offering access to innovative treatments and support for patients In a groundbreaking move to improve cancer awareness and accessibility to oncology treatment, Alpro Pharmacy, Malaysia’s largest prescription pharmacy chain, and Merck, Sharp & Dohme (MSD Malaysia), a subsidiary of global healthcare leader Merck

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Alpro Pharmacy and Viatris Collaborate for Better Men’s Health!

In a recent survey conducted by Alpro Pharmacy, it has come to light that a significant number of Malaysian men are grappling with erectile challenges. This issue is pivotal to men’s overall well-being, with 78% of the 345 respondents admitting difficulties in maintaining an erection during sexual intercourse. The findings underscore the critical role of

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Alpro Pharmacy and MSD Malaysia Partner to Broaden the Access of Oncology Care

From left to right Ph. Wong Wen Jun (Alpro Group Director), Mr. Chris Shim (Alpro ONCOhelp Strategic Growth Manager), Ph. Joelle Wong (Alpro ONCOhelp Chief Pharmaceutical Officer), Mr. Abdullahi Sheriff (MSD Managing Director), Mr. David Peacock (MSD President APAC), Mr. Nigel Fong (MSD MY Market Affairs and Policy Lead) Kuala Lumpur, 6 November 2023 –

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Official Opening of the First Alpro スギ Pharmacy in Malaysia: Japanese-styled Drugstore poised to uplift healthcare landscape in SEA

Main image: (From Left) Ph. Dr. Hiew Fei Tsong, Alpro Pharmacy’s Co- Founder, Mr. Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, Business Planning Headquarters/ New Business Development Department /Pharmacist , Mr. Katsunori Sugiura, Sugi Holdings Corporation / Sugi Pharmacy Corporation / Representative Director & President, Ph. Low Swee Siong, Chief Executive Officer of Alpro Pharmacy, and Ms Chia Ling Ling,

Official Opening of the First Alpro スギ Pharmacy in Malaysia: Japanese-styled Drugstore poised to uplift healthcare landscape in SEA Read More »

Alpro Men’s Health Teleconsult, a platform men to seek discreet help on sexual health

PETALING JAYA – Alpro Pharmacy’s recent survey on men’s sexual health revealed that 78 per cent of 345 respondents say that they have difficulties maintaining an erection to complete sexual intercourse. These findings emphasise the critical role of sexual well-being alongside physical, mental, and emotional health to ensure men’s overall well-being. In addressing this issue,

Alpro Men’s Health Teleconsult, a platform men to seek discreet help on sexual health Read More »

Alpro Men’s Health Teleconsult, a platform men to seek discreet help on sexual health

PETALING JAYA – Alpro Pharmacy’s recent survey on men’s sexual health revealed that 78 per cent of 345 respondents say that they have difficulties maintaining an erection to complete sexual intercourse. These findings emphasise the critical role of sexual well-being alongside physical, mental, and emotional health to ensure men’s overall well-being. In addressing this issue,

Alpro Men’s Health Teleconsult, a platform men to seek discreet help on sexual health Read More »

Sleep and a holistic lifestyle important for men’s sexual health

Guards Health Consultant Urologist Dr George Lee Eng Geap and Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Senior Consultant Psychiatrist Dr Hatta Sidi at the Alpro Pharmacy in collaboration with Viatris men’s health teleconsult forum. – ADLIN SAHIMI PETALING JAYA – Erectile challenges, often associated with conditions like erectile dysfunction (ED), can affect a wide range of individuals, regardless

Sleep and a holistic lifestyle important for men’s sexual health Read More »

Alpro Men’s Health Teleconsult, a platform men to seek discreet help on sexual health

Alpro Pharmacy, Malaysia’s largest pharmacy chain and Viatris, a global healthcare company, have joined hands to initiate the Alpro Men’s Health Teleconsult, a dedicated platform aimed at bolstering men’s confidence and performance by offering expert guidance. From left; From left:Jeff Bote – Viatris Malaysia Country Manager, Lim En Ni – Alpro Pharmacy Chief Pharmacist, Dr

Alpro Men’s Health Teleconsult, a platform men to seek discreet help on sexual health Read More »

Alpro Pharmacy launches door-to-door medication delivery with GrabExpress

KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 1): Prescription pharmacy chain Alpro Pharmacy has launched its door-to-door prescription medication delivery in partnership with GrabExpress, Grab Malaysia’s on-demand delivery service. In a statement on Tuesday (Aug 1), Alpro Pharmacy chief executive officer Low Swee Siong said more young people are leaving their hometowns for work and their parents in an empty

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Alpro Pharmacy Partners GrabExpress For On-Demand Prescription Medication Deliveries In Malaysia

Malaysia’s prescription pharmacy chain Alpro Pharmacy has launched its door-to-door prescription medication delivery in partnership with GrabExpress, Grab Malaysia’s on-demand delivery service. Alpro Pharmacy said in a statement on Tuesday that by launching video showcasing the fully online flow from tele-consult to filling the prescription to sending the medication straight to doorstep, the collaboration aims to provide the

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Inside Alpro’s plan to bring Japanese-style drugstores to Malaysia

In a first for the Malaysian marketplace, Alpro Pharmacy Group and Sugi Holdings have announced a joint venture that heralds the opening of Japanese-style drugstores in Malaysia. Low Swee Siong, the CEO of Alpro Pharmacy, Malaysia’s largest prescription pharmacy chain, has been quoted as saying that the group aims to evolve into a new type

Inside Alpro’s plan to bring Japanese-style drugstores to Malaysia Read More »

Alpro Pharmacy raises T1DM awareness through workshop

Alpro Pharmacy and Ascensia Diabetes Care join forces to raise awareness and provide support for children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM) In an effort to raise awareness about Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM) and provide comprehensive support to affected children, teenagers, parents, and families, Alpro Pharmacy partnered with Ascensia Diabetes Care, a global diabetes care company,

Alpro Pharmacy raises T1DM awareness through workshop Read More »

Alpro and Sugi Holdings to introduce Japanese-style drugstores

Alpro Pharmacy and Sugi Holdings join forces to introduce Japanese-style drugstores in Malaysia and Southeast Asia, prioritizing health and trust. Malaysia’s largest prescription pharmacy chain, Alpro Pharmacy, and leading Japanese Retail Pharmacy company, Sugi Holdings Co., Ltd, have recently revealed their plans for a new joint venture that will introduce Japanese-style drugstores to Malaysia. The

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Alpro Pharmacy, Sugi Holdings Co., Ltd. From Japan Clinch Deal for Joint Venture

Alpro Pharmacy Group, the holding company of Malaysia’s largest prescription pharmacy chain – Alpro Pharmacy, and Sugi Holdings Co., Ltd, a leading Japanese Retail Pharmacy company, announce a new joint venture that will open several Japanese-style drugstores in Malaysia. The joint venture will primarily engage in the drugstore business with the aim to enhance business

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Alpro Pharmacy, Sugi Holdings Co., Ltd. From Japan Clinch Deal for Joint Venture

Alpro Pharmacy Group, the holding company of Malaysia’s largest prescription pharmacy chain – Alpro Pharmacy, and Sugi Holdings Co., Ltd, a leading Japanese Retail Pharmacy company, announce a new joint venture that will open several Japanese-style drugstores in Malaysia. The joint venture will primarily engage in the drugstore business with the aim to enhance business

Alpro Pharmacy, Sugi Holdings Co., Ltd. From Japan Clinch Deal for Joint Venture Read More »

Alpro JV’s With Sugi Holdings To Introduce Japanese Style Drugstores In Malaysia

Alpro Pharmacy Group has signed a new JV agreement with Japan-based Sugi Holdings to introduce new Japanese style drugstores in Malaysia. The operator of Alpro pharmacies will be opening several Japanese-style drugstores in Malaysia with the aim to enhance business expansion opportunities for both partners by combining their expertise and resources in the pharmaceutical sector.

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Establishment of a Joint Venture by Alpro Pharmacy And Sugi Holdings Co., Ltd.

From left to right Dr. Ph. Hiew Fei Tsong (Alpro Co-Founder), Ph. Low Swee Siong (Alpro Founder), Mr. Katsunori Sugiura (Sugi Holdings Corporation Representative Director & President), Mr. Tsuyoshi Yamamoto (Sugi Holdings Corporation General Manager) Kuala Lumpur, June 28, 2023 – Alpro Pharmacy Group (hereinafter referred to as Alpro Pharmacy), the largest prescription pharmacy in

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Exciting Collaboration Between Alpro Pharmacy & National Cancer Society Malaysia (NCSM) Alert!

Exciting collaboration alert! 🤝 Alpro Pharmacy and National Cancer Society Malaysia have marked a monumental milestone as we officially signed an historic Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)🎉 This strategic partnership aims to bring about positive change and address the urgent need for cancer awareness, prevention, and support services in our beloved nation🇲🇾🌟 Together, we are harnessing

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Alpro Pharmacy and NCSM to improve lives of cancer patients

Alpro Pharmacy and the National Cancer Society of Malaysia have partnered to improve the lives of cancer patients and survivors. Alpro Pharmacy, Malaysia’s largest prescription pharmacy chain, and the National Cancer Society of Malaysia (NCSM), the first non-profit cancer organization in the country, have come together to improve the lives of cancer patients and survivors.

Alpro Pharmacy and NCSM to improve lives of cancer patients Read More »

Malaysian Pharmacy Harnesses Zebra Technology

KUALA LUMPUR (June 12): Zebra Technologies Corp. announced earlier this year that Malaysia’s largest prescription pharmacy chain, Alpro Pharmacy, has introduced Zebra’s mobile computing and RFID solutions to digitalize its manual inventory management system to advance with its fast-growing business. The first stage of digitalization was to equip Alpro Pharmacy’s front-line workers with Zebra’s TC21 touch

Malaysian Pharmacy Harnesses Zebra Technology Read More »

Alpro Pharmacy launches dedicated scholarship for pharmacy students

Alpro Pharmacy’s co-founder Dr Hiew Fei Tsong (right) advocates bridging the gap between education and industrial practice, and investing in future healthcare leaders in his speech. “That’s why we established Alpro Prestige Scholarship — a 360 degree five-year developmental programme that provides not only financial support but also mentorship, career building, networking opportunities, and access

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Alpro Pharmacy launches dedicated scholarship for pharmacy students

Alpro Pharmacy’s co-founder Dr Hiew Fei Tsong (right) advocates bridging the gap between education and industrial practice, and investing in future healthcare leaders in his speech. KUALA LUMPUR (May 10): Prescription pharmacy chain Alpro Pharmacy has launched a dedicated scholarship for pharmacy students in the country — Alpro Prestige Scholarship. In a statement on Wednesday

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Alpro Pharmacy launches dedicated scholarship for pharmacy students

Alpro Pharmacy’s co-founder Dr Hiew Fei Tsong (right) advocates bridging the gap between education and industrial practice, and investing in future healthcare leaders in his speech. KUALA LUMPUR (May 10): Prescription pharmacy chain Alpro Pharmacy has launched a dedicated scholarship for pharmacy students in the country — Alpro Prestige Scholarship. In a statement on Wednesday

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Malaysian prescription pharmacy chain boosts fulfilment efficiency by 80%

Doing away with manual inventory management and turning existing mobile devices into RFID scanners made the modernization cost effective and worthwhile Malaysia’s largest pharmacy chain has modernized operations to keep pace with growth and demand. Instead of manual inventory management, Alpro Pharmacy has turned to radio frequency identification (RFID) scanning features on touch-screen mobile devices to assist

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Alpro Pharmacy Increases Order Fulfilment Efficiency By 80%

Alpro Pharmacy, Malaysia’s largest prescription pharmacy chain, introduced Zebra Technologies’ mobile computing and RFID solutions to digitalise its manual inventory management system to advance its fast-growing business. The journey to digitalisation The first stage of digitalisation was to equip Alpro Pharmacy’s front-line workers with Zebra’s TC21 touch computers to replace their manual inventory management system using

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Malaysia’s Alpro Pharmacy Digitalises Inventory Management

In collaboration with Zebra Technologies. Malaysia’s leading prescription pharmacy group – Alpro Pharmacy has selected Zebra Technologies to digitalise its inventory management system. Prior to this, the company was manually noting down inventory movements, which was a time-consuming exercise. After the implementation of a successful proof-of-concept, Alpro Pharmacy is now using Zebra’s TC21 mobile computers

Malaysia’s Alpro Pharmacy Digitalises Inventory Management Read More »

MiCare teams up with Alpro Pharmacy on CDMP – RM8 million in medication costs saved for Malaysia’s corporate workforce

Malaysia’s largest prescription pharmacy chain, Alpro Pharmacy, and ASEAN’s leading Managed Care Organisation, MiCare, announced today that their Corporate Disease Management Program (CDMP) has recorded an accumulated RM8 million in savings on medication costs for MiCare’s corporate members including several top multinational companies across Malaysia in the short span of two years. Ph. Low Swee

MiCare teams up with Alpro Pharmacy on CDMP – RM8 million in medication costs saved for Malaysia’s corporate workforce Read More »

Alpro, MiCare rack up savings of RM8m on medication costs for corporations over two years

Alpro Pharmacy CEO Low Swee Siong says it is the duty of pharmacists to ensure medication safety. KUALA LUMPUR (April 13): Prescription pharmacy chain Alpro Pharmacy in collaboration with managed care services provider MiCare Group have accumulated RM8 million in savings on medication costs from their Corporate Disease Management Program (CDMP) across Malaysia in a

Alpro, MiCare rack up savings of RM8m on medication costs for corporations over two years Read More »

Alpro, MiCare rack up savings of RM8m on medication costs for corporations over two years

KUALA LUMPUR (April 13): Prescription pharmacy chain Alpro Pharmacy in collaboration with managed care services provider MiCare Group have accumulated RM8 million in savings on medication costs from their Corporate Disease Management Program (CDMP) across Malaysia in a span of two years. MiCare Group is a third party administrator and a joint venture of Zuellig

Alpro, MiCare rack up savings of RM8m on medication costs for corporations over two years Read More »

Alpro, MiCare rack up savings of RM8m on medication costs for corporations over two years

KUALA LUMPUR (April 13): Prescription pharmacy chain Alpro Pharmacy in collaboration with managed care services provider MiCare Group have accumulated RM8 million in savings on medication costs from their Corporate Disease Management Program (CDMP) across Malaysia in a span of two years. MiCare Group is a third party administrator and a joint venture of Zuellig

Alpro, MiCare rack up savings of RM8m on medication costs for corporations over two years Read More »

Alpro, MiCare rack up savings of RM8m on medication costs for corporations over two years

KUALA LUMPUR (April 13): Prescription pharmacy chain Alpro Pharmacy in collaboration with managed care services provider MiCare Group have accumulated RM8 million in savings on medication costs from their Corporate Disease Management Program (CDMP) across Malaysia in a span of two years. MiCare Group is a third party administrator and a joint venture of Zuellig

Alpro, MiCare rack up savings of RM8m on medication costs for corporations over two years Read More »

Alpro, MiCare rack up savings of RM8m on medication costs for corporations over two years

KUALA LUMPUR (April 13): Prescription pharmacy chain Alpro Pharmacy in collaboration with managed care services provider MiCare Group have accumulated RM8 million in savings on medication costs from their Corporate Disease Management Program (CDMP) across Malaysia in a span of two years. MiCare Group is a third party administrator and a joint venture of Zuellig

Alpro, MiCare rack up savings of RM8m on medication costs for corporations over two years Read More »

Alpro, MiCare rack up savings of RM8m on medication costs for corporations over two years

Alpro Pharmacy CEO Low Swee Siong says it is the duty of pharmacists to ensure medication safety. KUALA LUMPUR (April 13): Prescription pharmacy chain Alpro Pharmacy in collaboration with managed care services provider MiCare Group have accumulated RM8 million in savings on medication costs from their Corporate Disease Management Program (CDMP) across Malaysia in a

Alpro, MiCare rack up savings of RM8m on medication costs for corporations over two years Read More »

Alpro Pharmacy Increases Order Fulfilment Efficiency by 80% with Zebra Technologies’ Solutions

Zebra Technologies Corporation, a developer innovative business delivery solutions, has announced that Malaysia’s largest prescription pharmacy chain, Alpro Pharmacy, has introduced its mobile computing and RFID solutions to digitalise its manual inventory management system. The first stage of digitalization involved equipping Alpro Pharmacy’s front-line workers with Zebra’s TC21 touch computers to replace their manual inventory management system.

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Alpro Pharmacy Improves Order Fulfillment Efficiency by 80% Using Products from Zebra Technology

Zebra Technologies Corporation, an innovator at the front line of business with solutions and partners that deliver a performance edge, today announced Malaysia’s largest prescription pharmacy chain, Alpro Pharmacy, has introduced Zebra’s mobile computing and RFID solutions to digitalize its manual inventory management system to advance with its fast-growing business. The first stage of digitalization was to

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Alpro Pharmacy Improves Order Fulfillment Efficiency by 80% Using Products from Zebra Technology

Zebra Technologies Corporation, an innovator at the front line of business with solutions and partners that deliver a performance edge, today announced Malaysia’s largest prescription pharmacy chain, Alpro Pharmacy, has introduced Zebra’s mobile computing and RFID solutions to digitalize its manual inventory management system to advance with its fast-growing business. The first stage of digitalization was to

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Alpro Pharmacy investing RM15m to introduce intelligent logistics system

KUALA LUMPUR (April 4): Prescription pharmacy chain Alpro Pharmacy is investing RM15 million to introduce an intelligent logistics system, expected to triple logistics efficiency of its inventory management. In a statement on Monday (April 3), Alpro said it had inked a memorandum of understanding with HIKROBOT, an international provider of machine vision and mobile robot

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